About Publishing



Scientific publishing made smarter, affordable and hassle-free.

An innovative, more efficient platform for researchers and professionals to publish and share their work.

An innovative, more efficient platform for researchers and professionals to publish and share their work.

Why Publish With Cureus?

Free and low-cost publishing options

Submit an article that meets all of our stated requirements and we’ll waive our editing fee - it’s that simple!

Publish in weeks, not months

Our streamlined online submission system and efficient editorial review allow you to publish in weeks, not months. Scroll down for details!

Global exposure

Cureus Journal Series is a fully Open Access global journal providing unhindered access to your research.

Crowdsourced, community driven

Unique post-publication ratings leverage the collective intelligence of the Cureus Journal Series community to judge article impact, novelty and quality.

Peer review, not peer rejection

Efficient pre-publication peer review utilizing a best-in-class online review system ensures that your article receives helpful and informative feedback.

All articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Cureus publishes all approved articles under a CC-BY license so authors retain full copyright of their work.

Join Cureus Journal Series and help revolutionize how scientific knowledge is published and shared.

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How Does It Work?

How Does It Work?

Article submissions that are accepted for peer review fall into one of three categories:

Editing fee waived (Free publication)

Articles with few or no errors will qualify for free publication and proceed directly to peer review. You may be required to fix any formatting errors identified by our copy editors. These will usually be related to your references, media items or general article formatting (such as subheaders). Review articles are not eligible for free publication. In order to remain eligible for free publication, articles must adhere to the author and reference limits.

Preferred Editing service required

If too many errors are found upon submission or after deferral, your article will require our Preferred Editing service. With only a few exceptions, we will fix all formatting and language issues. Click here for more information on Preferred Editing.

Professional 3rd party editing required

Article submissions that are very poorly written will require editing from a professional third-party editing service. It is your responsibility to ensure that all language and formatting errors have been addressed. Articles with too many errors will still require our Preferred Editing service. Professional third-party editing does not guarantee publication and DIY services such as Grammarly are not accepted.

Cureus Journal Series publishes all credible science. Article credibility is determined by favorable commentary from trusted peer reviewers that includes substantial critical feedback confirming the absence of fatal scientific and methodological flaws.

Click here for more information on Cureus Preferred Editing and professional third party editing.