Guidelines For Writing Equations on Cureus Journals platform

1. Preparation

Before you start writing equations, ensure you have a clear understanding of the mathematical concepts you wish to convey. Familiarize yourself with the LaTeX typesetting system, as it is commonly used for writing equations in academic journals.

2. Embedding LaTeX in Your Manuscript in Cureus Journals:

Cureus journals accept LaTeX equations directly or using equation editor in the submission platform:

  1. For equations with equation number:

    Include your LaTeX code directly where you want the equation to appear:

    \( Latex Equation Code\) (Equation Number)

    Latex code: \( KE = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 \) (1)

    Click on the ‘Preview’ button. The equation will appear as shown below:

    (Note: The equation number can only be assigned for Inline equations.)

  2. For Inline equations:

    Include your LaTeX code directly where you want the equation to appear: \( Latex Equation Code\)

    Latex code: The equation for kinetic energy is given by \( KE = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 \)

    Click on the ‘Preview’ button. The equation will appear as shown below:

  3. For Inline equations using equation editor:

    Sept 1: Select the position in the manuscript where you want to place the equation.

    Step 2: Click on the fx option present in the taskbar menu (shown below)

    Step 3: Insert the equation using the display panel provided to add different formats of mathematical equations.

    Step 4: Confirm the equation in the preview.

    Step 5: Click on the OK button.

    The equation code in the manuscript should look like:

    Click on the ‘Preview’ button. The equation will appear as shown below: