Cureus Journal of
Business and Economics

Fully open-access, broad scope journal covering wide range of topics in business, management and economics

Coming Soon

Mid September 2024

Coming mid September 2024

Cureus Journal of Business and Economics

cover of Cureus Journal of Business and Economics

Cureus Journal of Business and Economics (CJBE) is a multi-disciplinary, open-access journal which aspires to publish quality research with rigorous single blind peer-review providing affordable and faster publication in the fields of Business, Management and Economics. CJBE encourages submission of well-written and timely papers to advance the knowledge and its application to benefit researchers, academicians, business fellows and policy makers.

ISSN: 3059-202X

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Journal Scope

The journal will accept manuscripts from following disciplines and encourages submissions based on inter-disciplinary studies.




Human Resource


Supply Chain


Tourism and Hospitality

Operation Research

International Business

Article types

Original Article

Review Article

Case Reports

Business Reports



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