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Peer Reviewers

Peer Reviewers

Peer review is the cornerstone of credible published literature. Where peer reviewing is largely a selfless effort, there are numerous perks to serving as a peer reviewer. You stay up to date with the latest research, improving your writing skills and contributing to the scholarly community. Peer review ensures access to quality journals and helps maintain the integrity of scholarly work. Cureus provides its reviewers with a hassle-free process that permits them to review the article and submit comments online in just a few hours. You can submit your review by completing a short questionnaire.

After accepting a peer review invitation by Cureus Journals, you unlock exclusive first-look access to the latest work from academicians, researchers, and scholars across the world. Additionally, you'll make a significant impact on authors' work by providing valuable feedback. On completion of peer review, you’ll be rewarded with perks like discounts on our Preferred Editing services. And that’s not all - Cureus-invited reviews are worth more than twice as much as author-invited reviews. So be sure to join our peer review panel. Explore Cureus Honors program.

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What is the Cureus Journals peer review system?

All submitted articles go through a single-blind peer review process where reviewers know the authors' identities, but authors don't know the reviewers' identities.

Reviewers are anonymized using Greek letters for identification.

What should I include in my review?

Focus on providing substantial critical feedback to confirm the absence of scientific and methodological flaws. Avoid commenting on spelling, grammar, punctuation, or formatting; these are not part of the scientific peer review.

How are reviewers chosen?

Authors must suggest at least five reviewers when submitting their draft. Cureus invites a minimum of six additional reviewers from their internal panel, ensuring at least 11 reviewers are invited for each article. Students are not invited to peer review. All suggested reviewers are vetted for relevant scientific expertise.

What happens if the peer review period needs to end?

Authors can end the peer review period once the article meets Cureus' requirements. Any in-progress reviews started within the last 48 hours are given 24 hours to submit. Authors waiting on Cureus-invited reviews can end the review period for remaining author-invited reviewers.

What are reviewer keywords?

Reviewers select up to 20 keywords to match articles to their areas of interest and expertise. Keywords help ensure reviewers are paired with relevant articles.

How many reviews are needed to complete the peer review?

At least two completed reviews from Cureus-invited reviewers are required to satisfy the peer review process.

How does Cureus handle suspected plagiarism?

All submitted articles are rigorously screened for plagiarism. If flagged, the article will undergo an editorial review for further investigation.

What if I have questions or issues during the review process?

If you have specific questions or accidentally submit an incomplete review, email for assistance.