Moutaz Haddara
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Prof. Dr. Haddara is a Professor of Information Systems at Kristiania, Oslo, Norway. Haddara also holds an Adjunct Professor position at several schools including University of Tilburg - TIAS, Utrecht, Netherlands, SP Jain School of Global Management, University of South-Eastern Norway, and the American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt. Haddara serves as a visiting scholar and research mentor at several other institutions including INTI International University, Malysia.
Haddara holds a PhD in Information Systems from the University of Agder, Norway. He has more than 100 publications in the areas of big data analytics, enterprise systems, internet of things, extended reality, and cloud computing. Haddara serves as an editorial and review board member for several information systems journals and conferences, and as the Founding Director of the IDEAS Lab at Kristiania ( He also works closely with the industry and serves as an advisory council member for the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance in EMEA regions. He also has served as a researcher and consultant for several international institutions, governments, and NGOs including the European Union, Deloitte and the government of Egypt. His projects mainly focus on the areas of ERP systems and Big Data Analytics. The projects include funding from Egyptian, Finnish, German, Norwegian, and Swedish institutions and Governments.